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B i o g r a p h y

From the young age of 6 years old, I was introduced to the wonderful world of music. To this day I am so grateful to my dear mother and father for enrolling me to learn the violin. For years my mother devoted a lot of her time to driving me to and from music lessons. Now some 30 years later I have been given one of the greatest gifts....the talent of a being a violinist!

"The true mission of the violin is to imitate the ​accents of the human voice, a noble mission that has earned for the violin the glory of being called the king of all instruments''                                          Charles-Auguste De Beriot

As Beriot, one of my favorite composers quotes, the violin is a great instrument. I have had the pleasure in teaching this instrument for over 20 years now. Through the years I have seen some incredibe little musicians develop. I have a passion to teach your children music, and would love to share the wonder of the world of music with them.


I completed my AMEB A Mus. A in Grade 11, whilst studying for my HSC. I vividly remember my first trip to Brisbane from the country to attend my exam, with my Dad. I was a awarded Honours and began to teach violin from Grade 12 (in between studying for school!). I continued my passion for playing and teaching as I went to university and discovered that music really was "good for the soul".


I then completed my nursing degree and got married and now have entered into the next phase of life, teaching my own kids! It's such a gift and I am so fortunate to have been given this opportunity. If you want to do something that will honestly have a rewarding and long lasting impact on your kids, enrol them and introduce them to MUSIC!


I look forward to teaching your child violin, the "King of Instruments!"






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